
Showing posts from June, 2021

How can you major make a world a better place?

The knowledge that this major gives you can be useful in various areas that have an impact on Society. You can work for the government, an international organization, foundation, as a researcher, professor. As you can see the name of the major is simple, people think that it is only working for the State, but it is not like that. Personally, any of these areas except being a teacher or research would suit me quite well. I see myself working for some international or local(i don't mind) organization or foundation where I can help people in whatever way, I want my work to be, above all, to make people's lives a better place. Before I thought more ambitious, a lot more, but well if I can do that and have enough to eat well, time free for the people I love and me, buy sometimes stuff for surfing and climb and travel I would be quite satisfied. I hope it's not too much to ask ahah. And to finish, what makes this career contribute to the world is the vision, a vision that thinks ...

Meal or food you really like

  Hello everybody. It was difficult to choose a single meal haha but Okeyyy .. One of my favorite foods, because I really like to eat hah, is lasagna. Lasagna is an Italian meal with dough, meat (I eat it with soy meat or eggplant), cream, cheese and tomato sauce, and voilá in the oven and waits a few minutes. I love it because I don’t know... the mixture of flavors haha I find it perfect and if you can eat it with good wine and bread with butter, what better! How it impacts my health, well I think it makes me super! jaha because it has ingredients that are not bad to health, as far as I know ... and it puts me in a very good mood. Definitely, if your day is not going very well, I recommend you eat lasagna. I hope I can eat lasagna more often haha and add one or two desserts for later, why not Thanks, and have a nice lunch

photo and its story

 This photo was from a trip that I was able to do together with my family to Brazil. It was the first time we all left the country together.  I like this photo because I am with my family, it is a special moment because we are all together. It was a very quick trip but with many experiences in between.  The story behind it, I don't feel very comfortable sharing it for everyone hah but I can say that I learned that it is important to care for your loved ones and learn from the people you love in the present moment.  The special thing about the photo is not the trip, the special thing is that we had experiences and challenges together, and that united us much more as a family and me with my brothers.  I do not know what else I can say about it, but if you have the opportunity to say what you feel to your loved ones, good or bad, do not be silly and do it :)