Time travel to the future

 Hi everyone.

Well, the truth is that I would be a little scared to go to the future because perhaps the planet is with floods, terrible climatic catastrophes, it scares me to reach any future and that there is a lot of chaos, that people are desperate stealing and committing crimes to survive.

Hah sorry for my negative view. However, we may change now, and then the future could be a very beautiful and quiet place, where we begin to question deeper things than just producing and selling, and we begin to think about happiness in a deeper meaning.

To return to the subject, I think I would go to Europe to see all the advances, but I would not stay in the future, I would just go to see how everything is going on, learn, get ideas that can be useful in my time and I would return super quickly. I would not like to be in a time that is not mine, I would miss my family too much, friends, memes haha

I would also like to see how Chile is going if we finally manage to improve as a society, see what we have gone wrong or in which we must pay a lot of attention and work. See the numbers of a kino for sure hah. Then I would travel very far into the future like 2500, year 3000, and bring me technology that could help today. It would be pretty interesting. 


  1. The truth is that it would be very scary to travel to the future and see that the impact of time on society has been very large, I hope that in the future there will not be many catastrophes so that the future will not be too long.

  2. hi Pablo :)

    I completely agree with you, traveling to the future can be very scary, especially considering the context in which we currently find ourselves.

  3. Hi, Pablo
    The truth is that I would also be afraid to travel to the future, one would not know what I could find, I hope it is something good. I also think it is a very good idea to bring future technologies to the present, to help :)

  4. Hola Pablo.
    Siento que no es negativismo de tu parte, es mas bien la realidad que se vive actualmente y que como tu lo mencionas si no se actúa rápidamente podremos llegar a cosas extremas.

    1. Angela, remember the activity is in English :)

  5. Hi Pablo! Nice blog! I am also scared of a bad future but let's hope that we will take measures in time to take care of the environment!

  6. hi pablo!
    i think we all agree with you, its scarry to think how things will be in the future if they're already bad:(

  7. Hi! I think it isn't negativity from you, because seeing our reality it's difficult to imagine a nice future, so we can only work to stop the bad things in time

  8. Hi Pablo, I agree with you, I would not go to the future for so long, I prefer to live in the present
    PS: What a good movie is Back to Future!


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